The WinDTwin project aims to develop and validate an offshore wind farm digital twin (DT) for highly accurate predictions of power production and energy demand.
This DT will provide users with tailored access to high-quality information, services, models, scenarios, forecasts, and visualizations, acting as a central hub for offshore wind decision-makers. The project seeks to:
- Revolutionize industry decision-making
- Improve micrositing of wind turbines
- Enhance the efficiency and reliability of wind power, both onshore and offshore
To achieve its ambitious goals, WinDTwin brings together a unique consortium of 13 organizations from 7 different Member States, combining a wide range of expertise across the entire wind energy development process. This includes the management of wind energy production, the development of industrial codes, numerical methods, and algorithms, ensuring the adoption of improved methodologies. By utilizing this diverse expertise, WinDTwin aims to significantly impact the wind energy sector and contribute to the reliability and security of the electricity system.

WinDTwin is structured in eight Activities also called Work Packages (WPs). WP2 to WP7 include the technical aspects to ensure the innovation of the proposed research by technology evaluation, error quantification and assessment of the results. WP1 deals with the coordination and management of the entire project, WP8 addresses dissemination and exploitation strategies.